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/ BlizzCon 2009 Battle.net Press Kit / 012 - Create Custom Game.jpg < prev    next >
Joint Photographic Experts Group Image  |  2009-01-01  |  1MB  |  1916x1075  |  24-bit (154,569 colors)
Labels: crt screen | data system | monitor | read only memory chip | tree
OCR: Enoyls SINGLE PLAYER MULTI PLAYER JARGRAFT 9001 CREATE A CUSTOM GAME Search for map Search Show Genre AL MAP NAME GENRE AUTHOR Arakan Citade Melee Versus Co-op Skirmish Blizzard Balamb Garden Ca. -op Skirmish FLIXT Blizzard Char Brolled Melee Versus Co-op Skirmish Blizzard Extinction Co-op Skirmish Blizzard Mar Sara Melee Versus Blizzard Mar Sarav1 Plains of Despair Melee Versus Blizzard Blizzard Quicksand Co-op Skirmish Blizzard Desctructible terrain unlocks shorte paths to the nemias Scrap Yard Co-op Skirmish Blizzard Valley of Judgment Melee Versus Co-op Skirmish Blizzard Genre: Melee Versus Arakan Citade Melee Versus Co-op Skirmish Blizzard Balamb Garden Ca-op Skirmish Blizzard Type: 2v2 Cher Broiled Melee Versus IM Blizzard Extinction Melee Versus Co-op Skirmish Blizzard Speed Norinal ...